Sunday, February 14, 2010

OMG It's A Tiger, Get In The Car!

So cometh 4708, the year of the Metal TigerKickass., the year of prosperityBy inverting the X-axis, economists have finally solved the economic crisis. and peaceTigers are known as loving, caring creatures..

Amongst the optimistic previsions for this year are the end of world hungerBoxes of Kellogg's Frosted Flakes are being shipped to Somalia as we speak., the return of American troops from Middle EastThe new generation of Tiger Tanks will not require manual operation. and the development of a cure for uglinessMiss Feline 2010. And possibly stupidity, but every new year it's the same, so a certain amount of skepticism is advisable.

On the other hand, there are enough reasons to worry about what this feline might bring for some. The shit has already announced it's going to hit the fan some time this year and with the price of windscreen wipers reaching an incredible high of $150, that's really bad news.

There is also an expected ginger kids riot, mostly due to the fact that they... have no soul. They do, however, compensate with their big bottoms, which explains why they are so butthurt about a joke everybody else loves.

Furthermore, nobody believes Tiger WoodsOh, the irony... will be able to fully recover from last year's scandal. But then again, nobody gives a crap about that anyway.

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