Sunday, January 3, 2010

Commerce In The New Decade

It's the third day of the new year and somehow it feels as if man's second-oldest occupation, f*ucking over honest peopleJoin the fun., is flourishing, especially with regard to commerce. And to support these arguments, let's review just three (today's magic number) things that have happened to me since the beginning of the year.

Case number 1: Buying a new mobile phone

Actually, trying to buy one. It comes as no surprise that some stores are still closed for the winter holiday, but when they're actually supposed to be open, but they're not, you wonder if perhaps the space-time continuum has already started to deform. Finding an open shop, however, revealed that the online offer was not as good as it sounded without all the "minor" details.

Case number 2: I didn't buy that, ma'am

Alright, from time to time you stumble upon a sneaky employee*whip not included that somehow manages to convince you that you're the one who actually bought all the stuff in front of you. You suddenly see another bottle of gin, some tampons and a bag of expired chips in front of you and you start wondering whatever happened to the grocery list along the way.

Then you hear the guy behind you complaining how those were actually the things he bought (read the list again... see anything funny?Dear Lord, why?). As is turns out, there is no such situation in which things end favorably for everybody. In this particular case, the owner's wife, who just happened to have no better occupation (say, such as properly raising your children, maybe?) than sit on her... buttocks all day long in the store, made a big deal about it, hissing and cussing like the little harpy she was (is) at the unfortunate employee who messed up. Wow. And then it dawned on me. She was obviously giving head to the right guy.

Case number 3: The cake (was a lieHave some.)

It really was. I bought it for twice the price displayed, since I was in a rush and I was supposed to deliver it ASAP (don't ask, some people would do anything for delicious cakeNot exactly a cake, but it surely looked like one to the little guy.), but not before having an argument with the clerk.

The sad truth is that nobody gives two cents about fairness anymore.

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